"When I do this with my hand I only have one eye and that freighten the opponent"
In his garage Richard Grannon and his friends shows of how to be big experts in fighting. Its the lousiest quality you can find regarding to those who actually received a copy of the crap.
He has called himself an EXPERT, an MMA fighter at a forum who laught at him. He is really a simple bully who works as a doorman. The most laughable part of everything is that he also tries to sell mental training DVD´s. I have never ever met a person so quick to actually CREATE a verbal fight.
A rude, multiple persona individual who is BIG in his own world.
He teams up with a woman in UK so he can write at Ebay that he ship from Europe and not New Zeeland at the occations he actually ship anything. So I´m told. Have no proof that he actually ship after recieving your money.
Is this Cartman or Grannon?
This is his look-a-like. Cartman is also rude, lies, could benefit from shredding of a few pounds and will waste your time for his own sake. The difference is that Cartman has a hat, could come up with ideas that work, at the age of 8 has a future and all the shit he does to other people is harmless as its a cartoon and not real people he waste time for.
Cartman vs Grannon
Grannon trying to be a businessman
Did the mistake to order from this bloke. After a week I emailed and asked where it was.
Me "Have you shipped yet? It has not arrived." Grannon "Duh. Then its lost. You want me to ship again or u can have a refund". Me "I guess it will not turn up so a refund would be great." Grannon "OK".
Grannon trying to do business continues
A couple of days later I emailed and asked how I could get the refund as nothing happened so I sent a request through Paypal for my money. It took less then 5 minutes for Grannon to send a "refuse to pay". I wrote a few emails and asked what he was up to. Finally Grannon wrote back and told me that I had to claim it by Paypals claim centre. I wrote that I thought it was weird as he agreed on giving back the money as he hasnt delivered anything but I did what he wanted and claimed the money at PayPal.
When waiting for the refund I saw another interesting auction and, good faith and trusted the blokes word (stupid), and I won the auction.
An email from Grannon "Duh did you just bid on my auction?"
I wrote back "yes".
Little Grannon continue the business
Then an email arrived from Ebay that he wanted to cancel my latest win. I wrote a reply that if he thought I won it to cheap, it was a good price, he should honour the Ebay rules as a seller and don´t run away from the auction just because there was no people who wanted to pay the fantastic price he expected from his home video.
He never once checked out the Paypal claim centre that he forced me to use. Time consuming low life. I´m not a Psychologist so I can´t explain why anyone promise a customer a refund and then start all this. Maybe its if you are a bully with a door mans job and feels powerless at least you can fxxk up some time for your customers.
Grannon - the business "man"
To make this pathetic story of a pretenders all lies and verbal abuse not to long he finally crawled to the cross and refunded.
Grannon - the slimy attack
As he refunded after fighting with him for weeks - remember it was he who promised the refund and then started to behave weird with using the Claim centre for something he suggested - I thought the best thing I could do was to NOT GIVE this bloke a feedback for his shitty behaviour.
When the time was nearly elapsed for the posibility to give feedback he stabbed me in the back and gave ME "beware of this person".
The awful things I did twice was to pay super fast. That must be a really bad person.
So, the gloves are of and now you have read the story of little Grannon and how he behave when you have won an auction if he had a bad hairday. Well, I guess its not possible for Richard Grannon to have a bad hairday but I hope you got my point.
Out there its great Instructors with REAL experience both from military, police and Fighting. Not just experience from looking at fights on Youtube and kick some young girls thats trying to pass him on their way into the pub.